Wellness Program Membership

Enjoy exclusive offers and discounts

Membership Perks

Become a member for only $139 a month and your banked funds can be used to purchase all of our services and products at a discount…20% off for services, $1 off per unit of Botox/.50 off per unit of Dysport. 10% off products.

Unlike other programs. there is no contract, enrollment fee or annual fee. Plus, unused funds roll over from month to month. This gives you a monthly balance to apply toward products, laser hair removal, or all other medical spa treatments we offer!

For your convenience, 360 Wellness Spa simply charges the monthly membership fee to your card of choice on file.

Included services are all priced at $139 or more. This allows you to enjoy up to one service each month and to possess the many benefits of a personalized maintenance program.

Exclusive VIP Membership: Elevate Your Wellness Experience!

Join our premium membership program and unlock a world of wellness benefits:

20% Discount on All Services

*Sign up today and start your journey to a more radiant you!*

Enjoy Exclusive Offers

Contact us today to enjoy exclusive offers and discounts! 616.466.4972 or 360wellnessgr.com